The 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids (ANGEL)

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, May 26-30, 2024

Pre-conference Tutorial: Sunday, May 26, UVA Rotunda, Lower West Oval Room and Multipurpose Room

Pre-conference tutorial materials are available to tutorial participants here

Vincenzo Amendola Stephan Barcikowski Friedrich Waag
The tutorial was conducted by
   Prof. Vincenzo Amendola, University of Padova, Italy
   Prof. Stephan Barcikowski, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
   Dr. Friedrich Waag, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Schedule of the Tutorial

9:00: Registration and breakfast
9:30: Welcome by Conference Chairs (Tibbetts and Zhigilei)
9:40: Outline of the tutorial (Barcikowski)
9:45: Optimal laser and processing strategies for ablation, fragmentation, and melting (Barcikowski)
11:15: Unique nanoparticle properties and functionalities accessible by laser synthesis and processing of colloids (Amendola)
12:45: Lunch break and preparation for Science Slam (with brief Tips and Tricks from Friedrich Waag)
13:45: Science Slam (2 min oral pitch talk from each student) (Waag)
14:45: Practical course and demonstration of automated laser synthesis (Waag)
16:15: Discussion: Matching study design with unique goals of the project (Amendola, Barcikowski, Waag)
16:45: Wrap-up, flashback-round
17:30: ANGEL Welcome Reception (The Dome Room of the UVA Rotunda)

Handbook of Laser Synthesis of Colloids

Printed copies of the Handbook of Laser Synthesis of Colloids will be provided to all participants of the tutorial